Our Mission.

The Sacramento Literacy Foundation’s mission is to help all children in our community read at grade-level.

Our Vision.

Our vision is to have all children and all adults develop the literacy skills they need to fully participate in our economy and in our democracy.

Help us put books in kids’ hands and homes

Our Goals.

Books in hands and homes.

Put culturally relevant high-quality books in the hands and homes of Sacramento’s most under resourced children.

Evidence-based instruction.

Advocate for evidence-based curriculum in classrooms and after school programs.

Summer reading initiatives.

Expand funding for children’s literacy programs and summer reading programs.

Our Events

Official Authors on the Move! 2022 Logo

Saturday, March 8, 2025



The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Logo in purple

We are the local convener for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading.

The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Logo in purple

We are members of the Diverse Books For All Coalition.